Message from Ms. Margaryta!
I personally used this weight loss program. It is highly recommend to do your own research and readings about the diet protocol and weight loss supplements. Also consult your family physician before you start any new nutrition/weight loss/exercise program. My goal was to lose 10 pounds and I successfully achieved my goal in one month and managed to keep the weight at the desirable level. One of our Pink Pearl students has lost more than 30 pounds and managed to keep the weight off. The program is very simple, you will be able to be active and will not feel hungry. But our program requires your personal and final decision and determination to lose weight and remain consistent.
Repeat Step 2 & 3 if you want to lose more weight. Schedule an appointment with Margaryta Booth to discuss all the details of the program! Remember not everyone can loose weight the same way.
There are many fitness programs that will work for each and everyone of us. Find the one that holds your interest the most and stick with it. Health and fitness link.